Monday, October 4, 2010

Girls Getaway: Leah's Projects and Crafts: Take Two

Gift Tins
$10 each

For goodies, cards, gifts, notes and more

Merry Christmas Gift Giving Bucket

You pick the paper print and colors at retreat and I will cut everything for are not limited to Christmas paper.

Theme ideas for you to fill your decorated bucket with:
Movie Night
Spa Treatment
Relaxation (candles and quiet CD)
Art Theme
Book Theme
Quiet Activities
Dress Up/Princess

Storage Tin

For storing your cards, receipts, nic nacs, or different notes.

You can choose any paper for your tin to fit your theme.

Or for gift ideas:
LOVE: Valentines Day gift filled with coupons and love notes for your special someone.
CARDS: Give to a friend that loves cards, filled with ones you've made.
SHOPPING: Christmas receipts to help keep track.
SUMMER: You can also use this tin for summertime and fill it with boredom busting ideas.
FRIEND: Fill with your friends favorites.

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